Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Non-Post Post (Housekeeping)

Just a gentle reminder that if you're going to post a response to this blog, please be sure you use your full name. I really am not approving posts---even supportive ones!---that are not using real names. This may have been a poor decision on my part, and may act to silence people who would otherwise join the conversation, but I've seen too many conversations on this topic descend quickly into ugliness when participants can hide behind perceived anonymity.

So if you've tried to post a response to this blog and you have not seen the response appear, email me at neilellisorts (at) yahoo (dot) com to identify yourself and I'll approve the post. So far, all the responses have been friendly, but I'm going to be a bit legalistic on this point. I hope everyone understands.

Having said all that, responses are heartily encouraged. It's a lenten monolog without responses!

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Comments are welcome, opposing as well as supportive. The hour is past for anonymity, however, and I as moderator will delete any post that does not have a verifiable name attached to it. Hold your convictions and hold them in the light. This goes for supportive and non-supportive comments.