Thursday, March 5, 2009


How does a church say "all are welcome here" while saying "so long as you know your place"?

This is what GLBT people hear. You're welcome here, participate in Bible study, assist in worship, give your offerings, but don't think you're worthy of being a pastor. You may do so much and no more.

How do I invite people into this community? How do I tell them "come and see" when what I have to show them is that some are privileged, and some are barred to full participation.

Where is the Good News in that?

1 comment:

  1. I dont as of yet have an opinion, I've went so far as to dig into my Greek texts of 20+ years ago, and still have yet to come to a conclusion. I will say that you raise an excellent question. Looking forward to your future postings.


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